A realization about writing

Since I’ve been writing I’ve found that I focus a lot better during the week. There’s a bunch of stuff just rattling around in my head and I just get antsy if I don’t get it out. If my head were a room, writing would be like making my bed and vacuuming…the room just feels cleaner and walking around for the next week in the room just feels better.

10 years ago I would talk to people who wrote and they would talk about how they just needed to write to get stuff out of their heads. I didn’t understand what that meant till I started writing.

One thought on “A realization about writing

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I love to write and try to everyday. When I do not get the chance I will feel like something is missing from my day. If you can try to sit down just for 15 minutes and free write you will be amazed how much you can get down on paper in just that short amount of time.
    Thanks for your post

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